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Англо-русский строительный словарь - cradle


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Перевод с английского языка cradle на русский

тележка (эллинга или слипа) седловая опора (трубопровода) люлька опора; подушка; лотковая опора (трубопровода) fascine cradle
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См. в других словарях

  1) рычаг (ТФА) 2) опора; рама ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) колыбель 2) строит. люлька 3) горн. лоток для промывки золотоносного песка мыть золото 4) опора; подушка; рама 5) класть или вешать трубку (телефона) - launching cradle - receiver cradle ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. колыбель, люлька from the cradle —- с колыбели, прирожденный orator from the cradle —- прирожденный оратор the cradle of the deep —- море 2. истоки, начало; колыбель Greece, the cradle of European culture —- Греция, колыбель европейской культуры from the cradle to the grave —- от колыбели до могилы, всю жизнь the cradle of civilization —- истоки цивилизации the sea was the cradle of life —- жизнь зародилась в море 3. рычаг (телефона) he dropped the receiver into its cradle —- он положил трубку на рычаг 4. тех. рама, опора 5. горн. лоток для промывки золотоносного песка 6. мор. спусковые салазки 7. мед. шина, поддержка 8. воен. люлька Id: to rob the cradle —- жениться на молоденькой; выйти замуж за человека значительно моложе себя 9. качать в люльке; убаюкивать to cradle a child in one's arms —- качать ребенка на руках 10. воспитывать с раннего детства, с младенчества to be cradled in luxury —- вырасти в роскоши 11. класть на рычаг to cradle the telephone receiver —- положить трубку 12. горн. промывать (золотой песок) ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) колыбель, люлька - from the cradle from the cradle to the grave всю жизнь  2) начало; истоки; младенчество the cradle of civilization - истоки цивилизации  3) рычаг (телефона) he dropped the receiver into its cradle - он положил трубку  4) tech. рама, опора  5) mil. люлька (орудия)  6) mining лоток для промывки золотоносного песка  7) naut. спусковые салазки  2. v.  1) качать в люльке; убаюкивать  2) воспитывать с самого раннего детства  3) mining промывать (золотой песок) ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) люлька 2) лотковая опора (трубопровода) 3) горн. подвесной полок (в стволе) 4) лоток (для промывки золота) 5) машиностр. опора; подушка; рама 6) метал. карман, лоток 7) возд. ложемент 8) мор. спусковые салазки; шлюпочный кильблок - beef cradle - boat cradle - converter cradle - launching cradle - log cradle - perforated cooking cradle - pipeline cradle - pump cradle - reject cradle - roll cradle - slipway cradle - stacking cradle - tapping-ladle cradle - tilting cradle - tool storage cradle - wing cradle - working cradle ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a a child's bed or cot, esp. one mounted on rockers. b a place in which a thing begins, esp. a civilization etc., or is nurtured in its infancy (cradle of choral singing; cradle of democracy). 2 a framework resembling a cradle, esp.: a that on which a ship, a boat, etc., rests during construction or repairs. b that on which a worker is suspended to work on a ceiling, a ship, the vertical side of a building, etc. c the part of a telephone on which the receiver rests when not in use. --v.tr. 1 contain or shelter as if in a cradle (cradled his head in her arms). 2 place in a cradle. Phrases and idioms cradle-snatcher sl. a person amorously attached to a much younger person. cradle-song a lullaby. from the cradle from infancy. from the cradle to the grave from infancy till death (esp. of State welfare). Etymology: OE cradol, perh. rel. to OHG kratto basket ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English cradel, from Old English cradol; perhaps akin to Old High German kratto basket, Sanskrit grantha knot  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. a bed or cot for a baby usually on rockers or pivots  b. a framework or support suggestive of a baby's ~: as  (1) a framework of bars and rods  (2) the support for a telephone receiver or handset  c. an implement with rods like fingers attached to a scythe and used formerly for harvesting grain  d. a frame to keep the bedclothes from contact with an injured part of the body  2.  a. the earliest period of life ; infancy from the ~ to the grave  b. a place of origin the ~ of civilization  3. a rocking device used in panning for gold  II. verb  (~d; cradling)  Date: 15th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to place or keep in or as if in a ~  b. shelter, rear  c. to support protectively or intimately cradling the injured man's head in her arms  2. to cut (grain) with a ~ scythe  3. to place, raise, support, or transport on a ~  intransitive verb obsolete to rest in or as if in a ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (cradles, cradling, cradled) 1. A cradle is a baby’s bed with high sides. Cradles often have curved bases so that they rock from side to side. = crib N-COUNT 2. The cradle is the part of a telephone on which the receiver rests while it is not being used. I dropped the receiver back in the cradle. N-COUNT 3. A cradle is a frame which supports or protects something. He fixed the towing cradle round the hull. N-COUNT 4. A place that is referred to as the cradle of something is the place where it began. Mali is the cradle of some of Africa’s richest civilizations. N-COUNT: usu sing, the N of n 5. If you cradle someone or something in your arms or hands, you hold them carefully and gently. I cradled her in my arms... He was sitting at the big table cradling a large bowl of milky coffee. VERB: V n in n, V n 6. If something affects you from the cradle to the grave, it affects you throughout your life. The bond of brotherhood was one to last from the cradle to the grave. PHRASE: PHR after v ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »BED« a small bed for a baby, especially one that you can move gently from side to side  (She rocked the cradle to quieten the child.) 2 the cradle of the place where something important began  (Athens is often regarded as the cradle of democracy.) 3 from/in the cradle from or in the earliest years of your life  (Sara had learned that language from the cradle.) 4 from the cradle to the grave all through your life  (a promise of security from the cradle to the grave) 5 BrE a structure that people working on the sides of high buildings stand in which can be moved up and down  (a window-cleaner's cradle) 6 the part of a telephone where the part that you hold in your hand is put when it is not being used  (- see also cat's cradle, rob the cradle rob (5)) ~2 v to hold something gently in your hands or arms, as if to protect it  (John cradled the baby in his arms. | The wine-glass looked tiny cradled in his big hands.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  See: ROB THE CRADLE. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. cradol "little bed," from P.Gmc. *kradulas "basket." Cat's cradle is from 1768. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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